Travelling around Australia in a motorhome. A story of our travels starting from NSW then through Queensland, across to Northern Territory and Western Australia, then to South Australia, Victoria and finally across the seas to Tasmania. We have enjoyed everywhere we have visited and look forward to setting off again in our motorhome.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

National Trust Visit, 1 May 2010

While this is our travel blog, we had to mention the visit from the National Trust to our house on Saturday. The National Trust from Sydney had asked if they could have a tour of our house for a fund raising event. As we had open days before, we said yes because it gave us an incentive to clean it up and do the many jobs that everybody puts off. We had the place looking pretty good and put out a lot of historical information and waited for the people to arrive. The National Trust had arranged for the people to come in four groups, so we didn’t expect too many people at once. However, at about five past ten a line stretched out the door and down the drive and continued like this for most of the day! In the end we had about 700 people come through our home and we were exhausted by the afternoon. Everybody had a great time, the visitors admired our various collections and the National Trust raised a lot of money, so we were happy with our effort.


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