Travelling around Australia in a motorhome. A story of our travels starting from NSW then through Queensland, across to Northern Territory and Western Australia, then to South Australia, Victoria and finally across the seas to Tasmania. We have enjoyed everywhere we have visited and look forward to setting off again in our motorhome.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hobart 26 -27 December, 2007

On Boxing Day we decided to make our way back to Hobart in the grey and damp. Arrived back at the camping area near the yacht club and took the car off for a trip of the east coast towards Port Arthur. Peter recalled that our friends Robyn and John had a block of land nearby and a quick call revealed that they were minutes away, so we called in to admire her chosen block. We were shocked at the dry yellow drought looking country. It gets much worse as you go east. It could have been summer in Dubbo!
The next day we made a plan to go to Mt Field National Park for a big day. We got up as early as we could, and took the pretty drive through New Norfolk following the river to the Park. We were really in awe for the first part of the walk with dense green moss covering the fallen trees and super tall tree ferns. The Russell Falls were better than our expectations, as the recent rain seemed to have refreshed them. We then took a 3 hour walk to Horseshoe Falls and Lady Barron Falls. We walked in through the Tall Trees area, full of Swamp Gums, 80m tall! The weather became warmer as we walked and the sun stayed out for us making it pretty ideal. We picnicked after the walk with a late lunch by the river in the park.
Laura was very keen to see some Tasmanian Devils and on our way home we visited a wild life sanctuary for rehabilitation of injured animals. Laura was very lucky to see plenty of little devils. They were semi cute though they certainly have a fierce aura! The Facial Tumour Disease was obviously excluded from the park, though the keeper suggested 85% of their population will be gone in 5 years. Currently the decline in population is 50% since the emergence of the disease 10 years ago. One scary fact is that the tumour is only one of 3 recorded cancers that can be spread like a contagious disease! They believe that it relates to the lack of diversity in the devils immune system that does not reject the cancer. Another problem has been the emergence of the fox as the devils decline in numbers. They thought they had virtually eradicated the fox, as the devils are savage carnivores. Six devils can consume a whole person overnight as escaped convicts found out!
On the way back, we stopped at a farm and introduced Laura to fresh raspberries which went down very well with yoghurt and honey. She also loved the leatherwood honey.
The next day was a bit sad saying goodbye to Laura but we all know that we are all having a good time doing different things and we had enjoyed being together for Xmas. Laura is off to a festival for New Year and has enjoyed having a break from her busy work life.


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