Travelling around Australia in a motorhome. A story of our travels starting from NSW then through Queensland, across to Northern Territory and Western Australia, then to South Australia, Victoria and finally across the seas to Tasmania. We have enjoyed everywhere we have visited and look forward to setting off again in our motorhome.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Canberra 24 November 2005

Set off for Canberra, popped in to visit George and Karen and ended up staying the night. George worked with Peter on developing an emergency communication model, when Peter was in the SES. While Canberra is an amazing city, with an astonishing array of events to see, we always fell victim to the dreaded labyrinth of cul-de-sacs that masquerades as urban design and got hopelessly lost. This time however, we had our secret weapon in the form of our new GPS system that steered us directly to our destination. The only time we made a mistake, was when we ignored the GPS instructions and went around the wrong roundabout.


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